The so-called “modern” bloodlines
The link between the American Pit Bull Terrier and the American Staffordshire Terrier and a brief and succinct explanation about the “cross” of “dual register” dogs (UKC/AKC) before the ban on dog fighting in the United States.
Before starting the subject of this article, its necessary an introduction on the origin of the American Staffordshire Terrier breed.

In the late 1800s with the industrial revolution, thousands of families migrated from rural areas to large industrial centers in search of employment.
Some of these families had as a form of “extra” income and tradition sell and bet on fighting dogs,“Pit Bull” dogs, when they saw the opportunity of a better future in the big cities they start to move and they took their dogs with them, changing drastically from a habitat where they developed completely, to small spaces in apartments and other cheap options where they were confined most of the time, without practicing exercises and losing their habit, which combined with a selection for smaller dogs, caused a visible reduction in muscular and bone structure.
By not registering fighting dogs, but yielding to the commercial pressure around the American Pit Bull Terrier breed, in 1936 the AKC (American Kennel Club), the largest and oldest kennel club in the United States, recognized about fifty (50) American Pit Bull Terrier, naming them “Staffordshire Terrier”, after unsuccessfully attempting to register under the name “American Bull Terrier”, removing the word “Pit” and disassociating the word that refers to dog fight, however, English Bull Terrier breeders for fear of the “reputation” of APBT dogs did not allow the use of such a similar name.

Some historical Pit Bull breeders of that time found a way to profit by selling his dogs under the name of “Staffordshire Terrier” which had a better commercial appeal because of the dissociation of the word “Pit” and the recognition of the breed by AKC. However it is common knowledge that many dogs of this short period of time (1950–1960) were actually game dogs, soon after was initiated the processes and requests of laws for the criminalization and prohibition of dog fights, that was published officially by the American government in the early 1970s.

In January 1972, the name was changed to American Staffordshire Terrier, this because AKC began to plan the recognition of the English Staffbull which happend in 1975.
Lucenay’s Pete one of the fifty (50) Pit Bull dogs registered at AKC was the mascot of the famous TV series “The Little Rascals” in the 1930s.
The “Tacoma” bloodline
(traced back to J.P Colby, Con Feeley, William J. Lightner, Joe Corvino and Howard Heinzl)
As myself could not have put in better words, below is an article found on the website RedBoy Amstaffs, which describes the relationship of Joe Corvino, Howard Heinzl and other great breeders of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed during the emergence of the American Staffordshire breed Terrier.

In H. Richard Pascoe’s (The Little Red Book) “The American Staffordshire Terrier” printed in 1977, Joe Corvino mentions that there are five major lines in the foundation of the American Staffordshire Terrier. Tacoma, X-Pert, Ruffian, Crusader, and “California” which is not actually a line, but a combination of line’s.

The Tacoma line was developed by Charles Doyle of Winamac, Indiana and Al Brown of Modesto, California beginning with the whelping of Grand Champion Brown’s Tacoma Jack (9xw) in 1927. The Tacoma line was influenced by Corvino blood early in its history and was known for its courage and working ability.

Using Tacoma Jack and Brown’s Judy, Al Brown produced a number of outstanding dogs. Several of these, including Tacoma Jack’s Replica (4xw) were sent to Charles Doyle. Using Tacoma Jack’s Replica and other Tacoma dogs, Charles Doyle produced a long line of sound dogs with the infusion of Corvino’s Braddock (14xw) and Corvinos’s Shorty.
Some of the best included Champion Young Joe Braddock, Champion Doyle’s Tacoma Disaster I, Champion Doyle’s Tacoma Disaster II, American Kennel Council Champion Kane Tacoma Blaze, and American Kennel Council Champion Tacoma All-A-Blaze and Champion Tacoma Frivolous Sal, owned by Howard and Janice Hadley, who won the National Specialty in 1954. Subsequently Tacoma crosses have been important in all other major American Staffordshire Terrier lines.
The “Ruffian” bloodline
(traced back to J.P. Colby dogs)
Owned by Mr. Harriman, CH The Ruffian (Deuce of Klump and Dina of Klump) born in 1938 and was breed by F.C. Klump of Plymouth, Michigan.
The Ruffian was a black and white (brindle) male which weighed 59 pounds, he was breed with Calamity Ann (Schroeder’s Jiggs and Schroeder’s Kay) a bitch from Mr. Harriman too.
It was this breed between The Ruffian and Calamity that started the legacy of Ruffian’s bloodline, with dozens of champions over the years. At a point in history Ruffian gene were also influenced by the blood of Crusader strain, from CH Knight Crusader.
Ruffian’s bloodline has also been known for breaking records in Weight-pull competitions and other similar modalities

The Ruffian strain had a huge influence in California with some of dogs like Mounthaven Tiara of Lylane, CH Ruffian Rudy from Har-Wyn (CH Indian Doc x Ch. Archer’ s Dare Devil’ s both breed by Dorothy Archer.)

Archer’s Debutante was listed in 1951. Was well know for some old timers that Dorothy Archer took her dogs to show while Mr. Archer (Dorothy’s husband) took them to the pits.
Not all coming from game breed dogs but show dogs ‘PR’ (Purple Ribbon) at UKC (United Kennel Club), being a long and honorable piece of history of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed.
Archer’s bloodline consisted of an excellent breeding plan, combining some of the best stock of bloodlines from breeders who were the foundation for the American Pit Bull Terrier breed such as J.P. Colby, William J. Lightner and Con Feeley, through dogs from Bob Wallace, Jim Corcoran, Earl Tudor, Bob Hemphill, X-Pert, Ruffian and Savage Captain Bob (old Castelli OFRN strain).

The “X-Pert” bloodline
(traced back to Earl Tudor, J.P. Colby, Con Feeley and William J. Lightner dogs)
The X-Pert bloodline started in 1930 by Clifford & Alberta Ormsby, who lived in Hornell, NY. The foundation bitch for X-Pert family is Ormsby’s Madge, Clifford bought her in Texas.

Ormsby’s Madge was sired by Bennet’s (Corrington’s) Mack, a blood cross between Smith and Tudor’s bloodline, Tudor’s part of Bennet’s Mack pedigree was Tudor’s Jack II sired by GR CH Tudor’s Black Jack, her dam was Bennett’s Queen, a breed of Hogan’s and Pitts’. Hogan line was built using Henry’s blood from Con Feeley and Pitt’s was mostly from J.P Colby dogs, some of the breeders who were the foundation of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed.

The dog used to represent the X-Pert strain was X-Pert Torpedo (sired by Van Vliet’s B Grenadier out of Van Vliet’s Great Labelle). He was black-brindle dog born in 1929, Ormsby’s bought him in Kansas. Torpedo was the first dog with the X-Pert prefix. He was a Tudor’s linebreed, a grandson of famous pit dogs Price’s Butcher Boy great-grandson of Tudor’s Supreme (littermate of famous Tudor’s Black Jack Jr) and Tudor’s King.
So, Ormsby’s foundation was based on strong Tudor’s & Smith’s bloods that is in fact old Henry Bloodline, which roots went back to Charlie Lloyd’s Pilot and old Gas House strain.
In 1934 a bitch named “X-Pert’s Black Queen” was breed to “X-Pert’s Bassett Nigger” that produce a very good litter, Clifford said it was the best to date. From this breeding came “X-Pert’s Little Princess” a brindle bitch, she was breed in 1935 to “X-Pert’s Black Jack” (Black Queen littermate) giving birth to “X-Pert Black Shine” (one of the first 50 Pit Bulls registered at AKC in 1936).

Was in 1935 that Clifford decided to use J.P.Colby’s blood for the X-Pert bloodline, he bred Ormsby’s Madge to a pure Colby dog, “Winde’s Pat Colby” (blood from Pincher, Galtie and old Gas House), this breeding of Madge to Pat Colby gave 2 black bitches, named as “X-Pert Black Lady” and “X-Pert Black Dollie”.
From “X-Pert’s Black Shine” and “X-Pert Black Lady” came “X-Pert Black Ace” and “X-Pert’s Black Daisy”. Daisy was sold to Colonel Schuhmann, a pitbull breeder from Kentucky, Colonel bred pitbulls since 1890’s and lost his old stock due a flood deciding to start a new breeding program with “X-Pert’s Black Daisy”. Later Schuhmann became a famous breeder of X-Pert’s bloodline.

X-Pert’s Black Lady give birth to CH Comstock’s (X-Pert’s) Pack-A-Wow A.K.A “Packy” sired by X-Pert Tiger Pat, a very smart and drive dog. “Packy” won a National Specialty in 1942 and he also was a “Show and Go” dog and later became known as proven sire of game offsrings.
CH “Packy” can be found in some pedigrees of Earl Tudor dogs. Later he was bred to a bitch named “Sandy’s Topsy”, who had blood from Donovan’s x Baker’s. This breeding produced a black bitch named “Black Satan”. Earl Tudor had a dog named “Tudor’s Old Nigger” who was a son of Satan and “Whitehurst’s Tanner” (grandson of the well-known OFRN dogs Ferguson’s Centipede and Cyclone.)

CH “Packy” was also breed to X-Pert’s Jinny. Jinny was granddaughter of Klump’s Garm II at sire side, and great-grandaughter of the famous Ferguson’s Centipede (Tudor’s) 3xW and Billy Sunday 8xW at dam side. X-Pert’s Jinny was breed by Ed Martin, her sire “Brindle Blighter” was littermate of “Martin’s Tramp”, that can also be found in Ruffian pedigrees.

Mr. Oxley had a male from a breeding between Black Satan and Whitehurst’s Tanner named “Oxley’s Black Pal”, he also had a bitch from Neblett’s breeding, Oxley’s Black Lil (sired by a dog from Mr Adams of San Antion which had a heavy blood from Earl Tudor and William J. Lightner named “Adam’s Brindle Rat” out of “Patsy McCoy”). “Oxley’s Black Lil” was bred to “Oxley’s Black Pal” and give birth to “Oxley’s Joe”. “Tudor’s Red Mike” is out of “Tudor’s Cherry” and sired by “Oxley’s Joe”.

Later in 1958, Clifford breed a bitch (AST Champion) named “X-Pert’s Topsy II” with “Daniel’s Ripper”, giving birth to a male named “X-Pert’s Velvet Buck”, which later become a 1xW dog in the “Pits”, he won over Al Offer dog in 1 hour 17 mins in Theo Raborn hands.
Now, Buck was a good looking pup and a good looking dog. You know, people come in and they say, I think that one there is the best one. That would be Buck.
— Clifford Ormsby

The origin of the so-called “modern” bloodlines in the American Pit Bull Terrier breed and its relationship with dogs from Old Family Red Nose strain

In the late 50's, a couple of breeders, Hugh Storm and Vera Storm (Earl Tudor’s niece) worked with some of the best bloodlines at the time, like Hemphill, Heinzl, Colby, Tacoma and Archer, they sold (or given as a gift) a bitch by the name of Topsey Turvey for a breeder called Martin Vusich who breed her with a direct son of Hemphill’s Geronimo x Hemphill’s Red Dixie (from the well-know OFRN breeder Bob Hemphill) named Journey’s Red Cochise owned by Joel L. Journeay, givin birth to a bitch named Queen of Diamonds that was sent back to Vera Storm and a male named Martin Caesar of Tufftown, sold to Dic and Nancy Jones from Tufftown Kennel wich give birth to several bloodlines that became known as “modern”.
“Queen of Diamonds” was breed with Storm’s Nero giving birth to only one dog registered in APBT online database, Storm’s Cheyenne which was breed one time with Storm’s Congo a male with a heavy Old Family gene from Williams, De Cordova and Castelli, from this breeding a heavy game dog was born named Storm’s Nikema, it was told that he was a 3xW OTC but there is no more information if he was breed or what happen to him. The second breeding of “Storm’s Cheyenne” was with a stud named White’s Dynamite, givin birth to a bitch named Flore’s Dusty. “Dusty” is the dam of Storm’s (O.G. Loco’s) Cheyenne II.

Storm’s Cheyenne II by O.G. Loco (O.G. Loco’s Yard — Old Family Reds)
Storm’s Cheyenne was bred by Vera Storms. Vera had two strains of game dogs in the 60’s and 70's…she had the Storms-Tudor match dogs and OFRNs rumored to be given to her directly by Hemphill and Wilder. In those days private stock was not peddled but was often given or traded to small group of fanciers…so it was hard for newcomers to get gamedogs.
In the early 90’s, I had just started breeding pitbulls as was looking for a game bred OFRN to cross into my 44 Magnum dog…The Magnum dog had Wilder Red Satan blood and I wanted to infuse more of it into my breeding program. My 44 Magnum dogs were rough hardy dogs …so it was difficult to evaluate if they were deep game. In 1990, I had heard legends of dead game dogs but I had not really seen one.
In 1992, I went to buy a OFRN puppy from a breeder in Riverside, CA. But I didn’t want to wait to raise a bitch to breed. So I asked the guy if he had any adult females for sale. He had an OFBA bitch he was going to sell me but backed out. So he offers to give me Cheyenne…the dam of the puppies he was selling. Cheyenne was a poor physical specimen of a pit bull (i.e. scrawny 30 something pounds, fine boned, no head or muscle and a little sketchy). But we bonded and I grew to admire her.
At this time I also had Neopolitan Mastiffs…the old working dogs that looked and moved like Panthers (Jungle Cats). I still think these old working Neopolitans are some of the best guard dogs and man-stoppers around. A friend had given me a 120 pound battle scared Neopolitan.
One day I was working on my Harley in the garage with Cheyenne sitting at my side when the Neopolitan got loose and walked through the back door, grabbed Cheyenne and sunk its teeth deep into her chest violently shaking her driving her all over the garage. I started to panic just knowing this 120 pound Neo was going to kill my scrawny 30+ pound pitbull.
The next thing I know, Cheyenne is smiling with her tounge out, wagging her tail and loving every minute of it like she was just playing ball. She had no ability, no mouth, no defense…just all heart. I don’t even think she bit the Neo. She seemed to be looking at me and saying don’t stop this I’m getting exactly what I want and just been waiting for.
I went on to breed Cheyenne to 44 Magnum and she produced one of the craziest pit bulls I ever owned…Guevara’s Coco. On a side note, Coco was a dog I was asked to sit on at an ADBA show because the judge and handlers thought he was too aggressive and was going to get loose kill everything in the ring.
Nonetheless, I gave Cheyenne to another breeder friend of mine who later told me she was killed in a kennel accident by the breeding male. I always kick myself for giving Cheyenne away and not line-breeding off her…I owed her more than that. I will never forgot Cheyenne’s gameness on that day…she was a warrior and a game representative of the OFRN bloodline.

Below a mention of Vera Storm which shows that she actually sought Old Family dogs to compose her work, wrote by the great Old Family breeder L. Ringor, one of OFBA’s (Old Family Breeders Association) founders and who continues to this day working towards the preservation of the Old Family strain.
When Dan Hanna founded the OFBA in 1978… he kept Satan, two sons of him and Red Lady, the rest were sold to Hiroshi Ishikawa, Green, Lloyd and Vera Storm, all these people advertize threw out the 1977–1985.

Breeders and breed enthusiasts discuss whether or not these dogs were/are Pit Bull dogs, however, we can not associate the American Staffordshire Terrier from today with dogs in that period, which had a close kinship and a selection made with dogs that came from both sides of “Show and Go”, therefore they were APBT and not AST, also the bloodlines who were originated from, such as Tufftown, Camarano, Lar-San, Willrox, Amber-Lite, Castillo, Caragan, Reynoso and others.
After the years 2000, with the popularization of the internet and the easy access to educational content and information about old time breeders and their standards for the breed, breeders of these “modern” blooodlines that used to be only “Show dogs”, saw the need to seek the preservation of the drive and prey in their dogs, which today are used in events like the ADBA “Top Dog”, Brazilian “Pit gameness” and “Pit desporto” in some Latin American countries, through Agility, Weight-pull, Long-jump, Wall-climb, all physical resistance competitions, even been used as Working Dog for Hog-catching.
*Notice, the American Staffordshire Terrier once called only “Staffordshire Terrier” is not the same breed as the Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
I hope you have enjoyed this article, my goal is to promote the study and research of the American Pitbull Terrier, feel free to contact me, we can both learn and discover new pieces of history together.
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*A special thanks to L. Ringor and O.G. Loco’s Yard — Old Family Reds, who helped me check some facts on this article.
All images and information used on this article are from my research through the archives of APBT.Online-Pedigrees, Pedigree.gamedogs, Pinterest, and the magazine collection “The Dog Fancier” from the library of the University of Michigan, Digitized by Google and from sources duly described along the article.
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